*82 {719} 505.5908



I have no set schedule at this time, however I strongly recommend that persons interested in seeing me schedule an appointment IN ADVANCE.  I even REWARD  my clients for making advance appointments (with a $20 or $10 discount) rather than relying on a "walk-in" or 1st come 1st served approach to obtaining time with me.


Just so you know


I ALWAYS reserve the right to reqest a provider reference  

 I don't check my voicemail very often, so if you should call and not reach me, please feel free to call back, text or email me  for an immediate response.

If you are married and call me from your home phone, don't forget to call another number or somehow erase the last number dialed just in case the redial button is activated by your spouse. 
I welcome any feedback from my clients and every month I enter all clients that have reviewed my services online into a drawing for a special gift!

WILL NOT see a client that is unwilling to call me and confirm an appointment at least an hour before our meeting. You may book an appointment via e-mail, but you MUST be willing to call to confirm!! I do not set appointments exclusively via email.


My regular Bi-Weekly & Weekly clients enjoy a special discount


ALL ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY, RETIREES & DISABLED VETERANS 100% with I.D. Card get 10% off total purchases EVERY Tues.










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